Many insurance companies attempt to have injured people sign a Release within days of their accident for a small amount of money. However, as soon as you sign the Release, the insurance company does not have to pay any further money. So, any additional medical bills, lost wages or pain and suffering that you incur will not be paid for. It is very important to talk to an attorney BEFORE you sign a Release.
Many times people do not treat for their injuries because they think that their injuries will go away. That is exactly what the insurance company wants you to do. If you do not treat, there is no formal documentation of your injuries. It is very important for you to receive prompt treatment of your injuries and to follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding continuing care.
Many times I hear from people that insurance companies attempt to refer them to certain doctors or tell people that they will not pay for certain types of treatment. However, you can treat with any doctor that you choose to receive reasonable care for your injuries.
Documentation of the day-to-day pain, suffering and inconvenience that you endure is important. Medical records are helpful, but they only document what you told your doctor. It is important to document how you feel today so that your pain and suffering can be conveyed to the insurance company when we settle your case or to a jury at the time of trial.
Many times people involved in accidents have many symptoms, but one is worse than all the others. Over time, the less severe symptom becomes more severe and is actually the more severe injury. Make sure that all of your symptoms are documented.
You should make sure that you receive a Work Release for any time off work or work restrictions that your doctor gives you. You also need to make sure that your employer is provided with a copy of the work release or restrictions.
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